
Faculty: Madhu Bharti

Closing the gap- Review of Women’s right to land and property in India.

Though women form nearly 50% of the total population, they have only marginal land and property rights. Often women are recognized as the main workers of land and responsible for maintenance, but they lack the ownership and right to economic output. In many countries around the world, women’s property rights are limited by social norms, customs and legislation hampering their economic status and opportunities to overcome poverty. Ownership of land and property empowers women and provides income and security. Without resources such as land, women have limited say in household decision-making, and no recourse to the assets during crises. Growing evidence confirms that women’s land and property rights lead to important social and economic outcomes for women and their families and seen as important driver for economic growth and social development.
The Sustainable Development goals (Agenda 2030) further recognize women’s land rights as a catalyst to ending poverty (Goal 1); seeking to achieve food security and improved nutrition (Goal 2) and achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (Goal 5).
Given the background it’s important to facilitate and empower women by increasing their access to land and property ownership.
The research will provide inputs to the policy makers for facilitating & empowering women and their ownership rights in India.

Student DRP