
Faculty: arwa Bharmal

Community platforms for WASH services

The key focus of local governments (LGs) in India is on infrastructure and little attention is paid to service outcomes. CWAS has been supporting 1000+ LGs to track service outcomes for water supply and sanitation (WSS), using an online PAS Portal (www.pas.org.in) since 2008. These outcomes are reported by LGs. However, LGs can benefit from views of citizens who receive these services. Thus, a digital community feedback platform needs to be developed which will bring in citizen’s voice, especially of the vulnerable groups to report on service levels. This will complement the service levels reported by LGs on the PAS platform, by gathering feedback from the citizens. Such a platform will help the citizens understand the promised service levels, assess what they receive and convey their concerns to LGs. It will also enable the LGs to assess spatial service disparities and enable them to identify improvement areas. This platform can also become a basis for voluntary SDG assessment for tracking localizing SDGs 6 at city level.

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