
Faculty: Mona Iyer

Plastic Waste Management for urban and peri-urban areas and its contribution to local SGDs

The generation of plastic waste is one of the central concerns in urban agglomerations, particularly in the global South, where inadequacies, absences and weaknesses shape the local waste management system. Uneven development has created obvious spaces of exclusion and neglect. In response, informal and organized waste pickers engage in selective waste collection and recycling. In doing so they make an important contribution to reducing the carbon footprint of cities, recovering resources, improving environmental conditions and health creating jobs and income among the poor, particularly in low-income residential areas. These contributions are still mostly unrecognized and unaccounted for.SBM phase II focuses on plastic waste management however there is need for better understanding of networks, challenges and benefits of plastic waste management that promote grassroots resilience and contribute to reducing both the adverse impacts of cities on climate and environmental change (UN sustainable development target # 11.6) as well as urban

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