
Faculty: Vanishree Herlekar

An investigation of Stakeholder Communication and Engagement in Urban Design Projects in India

Urban design projects primarily deal with the improvement of the public realm and commons. They involve engaging with multiple layers of information and multiple stakeholders with different perspectives, diverse interests and often competing priorities. These include public decision makers and administrators who control funding levers, communities and sections of communities who are impacted by the project, elected councilors representing political interests, and external donors and funders amongst others. Urban design projects are also often marred by misconceptions, false news, and delays. Driving successful outcomes in this complex socio-physical environment of cities is pivoted on effectively communicating the project vision, impacts and the trade-offs clearly and in a way that inspires confidence and builds widespread support for the project. As part of this DRP, students will undertake a systematic inquiry into the stakeholder communication process of recent (implemented in the last five years) urban design projects in India. Students will map the stakeholders involved, their power and interest in the project, and the communication strategies adopted by the designers to keep stakeholders informed, engaged and interested during the course of the project. This research will contribute to the development of new knowledge on effective stakeholder communication and engagement that will help inform the practice of urban design in the country.

Student DRP