
Faculty: Ravi Sannabhadti

Comparative Review of Urban Development Authorities and their capacities and jurisdictions wrt urbanization trends across Indian States

Urban Basic Services, Urban development and Land are all subjects within the ambit of the state list as per the constitution of India. Though the centre and many states have been active in formulating various programmes and policies around urban development, it is primarily the state legislature which has the powers under the constitution to legislate and implement laws concerned with the above-mentioned subjects. State level policies and norms dealing with urbanization, urban development and basic service provision,  begin by declaring urban development authorities and their jurisdictions. City level, regional level or other thematic interventions and plans are expected to shape and guide the projects and local level plans. In this context it becomes pertinent to understand and analyse the state level interventions instituting urban development authorities and municipal authorities. These interventions by states need to be analysed in a comparative framework in order to draw policy directions for the future.

Student DRP