
Faculty: Nivesh Chaudhary

Effects of emerging trends in maritime ports on supply chain performance/management

As the maritime sector is induced by demographic, technological, and sustainability drivers, it is expected that the Ports and supply chain will be affected by several key industry trends. Globally, ports are increasingly implementing innovations in the entire value chain with a wide range of technologies and supply chain optimization. The shortage of space in the existing ports, demands an increase in space productivity within a port. Moreover, the growing complexity of port operations leads to diversification and intensification of land use, for which new synergies between port and city must be found. The space scarcity at times requires ports to move their activities from their historical center location towards locations further outside the city. In addition, due to technological developments (containerization) certain traditional, smaller terminals often located near or even in the city (center) have lost their value as a traditional port terminal. (P.M. Panayides, 2008)