
Faculty: Shalini Sinha

Smart data for performance monitoring of city bus services

Public bus transport agencies across the country are witnessing declining bus ridership and loss in revenues. The deteriorating quality of infrastructure and services are often cited by passengers as a reason for shifting out of public transport bus. The resultant loss in revenues and lack of funds prevents the transport agencies from upgrading their systems and services and a vicious cycle is formed. This need to change and as a first move towards this would be evaluate the performance of these systems. he traditional approach of performance assessment mainly include financial indicators and are more directed towards operator/bus agency’s perspectives, with limited or no emphasis on passenger and larger societal concerns,
This research proposal is divided into two parts. The study aims to:
- study how performance evaluation is being done in the country by different bus agencies and its comprehensiveness
- study how smart data revolution can be leveraged for performance analysis
The first part of the study will look into current evaluation measures, what is being measured, what needs to change and what can/should be done. The second part of the study will look into the data used for the evaluation and monitoring, analysis carried out on the data and how can we leverage smart data technologies into performance evaluation and monitoring