
Faculty: Nitika Bhakuni

Gender mainstreaming in Public Transport Agencies- case studies

Public transportation system is key towards providing access to education, jobs and social networks in the city. Women’s work participation rates in urban India are very low 15.5 % as per Census 2011. NSS reports also reveal similar trends; WPR for urban male is 54.6% and 14.7% for urban female. It is also seen that Transportation is one sector where the participation of women is the least. According to the International Labour Organization, transport is one of several sectors that has traditionally been regarded as having ‘no place for women’ (Turnbull, Lear and Thomas 2009). Exclusion of women in the sector may also result in needs of the same not adequately served. Transport jobs can be well paid, rewarding and offer long-term career opportunities, however in many cases some of the positions fall below the standard of decent work. Using the case study approach this research will look into the initiatives taken across the country by various transit agencies towards gender mainstreaming and barriers thereof.

Student DRP