Athira Sajeev T


Streets as Public Spaces

The project's goal is to redefine existing city situations from a new viewpoint on the public realm's possibilities. The introduction study, streets and building types, urban block and open space analysis, and street design were all covered. The design included ideas for material utilization, outdoor furniture, lighting, landscaping, and other elements that allow for varied uses throughout the day, seasons, and special occasions.

Report Content

Introduction Study

Street and Building Types- New Kalpathy Street, Palakkad, Kerala

Street and Building Types- Roomweg Street, Enchede, Netherlands

Urban Block- Fort Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala

Urban Block Analysis- Fort Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala

Open Space- Superkilen, Denmark

Open Space Analysis- Superkilen, Denmark

Analysis and Street Design- Existing Design

Analysis and Street Design- Proposed Design, Sections and Statistics

Analysis and Street Design- Isometric View of Proposed Design