Santoki Jaimini


Inclusionary Housing Zone and Regulations

Housing Strategy Studio intends to create a citywide housing strategy to increase access to cheap and good housing for RAJKOT residents of all income levels. Access to adequate, affordable housing for everybody is critical for a livable city. However, housing cost and availability have long been major challenges in the housing industry. While there is a continual supply of housing in Rajkot, markets are unable to deliver units below a specific price range owing to a variety of challenges, leaving a big section of households seeking housing modifications or un-catered, for whom access to cheap housing remains a crucial concern. In the case of Rajkot, this segment of the formal housing market is located in the unit price range of Rs.14 lakhs to Rs.60 lakhs, where demand exceeds supply. This demand-supply gap will be closed by allowing the market to supplement housing units for these underserved families through INCLUSIONARY HOUSING ZONE & REGULATIONS. One of the sub strategies in the basket of methods for addressing the citywide housing problem across all socioeconomic levels.

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Report Content

Introduction to the Housing Studio

Stage 1: Introduction to the Rajkot and Assessing the Situation

Stage 2: Envisioning the Future for 2031

Conceptual Framework of City Housing Strategies and Income Pyramid

Stage 3: City Housing Strategy: Vision, Key Principles, Challenges. E4: Enabling the market to augment housing units for less catered through Inclusionary Housing Zone and Regulations

INCLUSIONARY HOUSING _ as a tool to enable the market and Current Framework of Government Agencies and the Reforms

Alternative Solution: Inclusionary Housing Zone and Regulations in Rajkot and Relaxation in Regulations & Benefits

Viability Analysis of Supply Side Financial Incentives

Capital Investment Plan, Prioritization, Phasing and Institutional Framework

Shift of Affordability Line, Interlinking of basket of Sub Strategies & Reflections and Learning Outcomes of the Studio