Dhruvi Tanay Shah


Sahyog: a deployable work space

Deployability is a fascinating concept which gives movement and life to an otherwise static structure. The studio is an exploration into deployable mechanisms and their integration into the form and function of a structure. 
From studying materials, mechanisms and hardware that assist deployability to exploring deployment in nature as well as in important structures; Sahyog is a culmination of these concepts and explorations. It is an extendable work space located at a construction site. It addresses the need of deployability and provides an economical and an efficient solution with respect to the constraints and requirements present on-site.

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Origin of deployability : Nature

Deployment in everyday objects

Market survey

Origami + scissor explorations

Deployment in existing structures

Stages of deployment

Sahyog: a deployable work space

Concept development

Stages of deployment

STAAD Modelling