
Faculty: Rajan Rawal

Greenhouse Gas emissions framework of the cities in India

Climate change and its impact have become a critical issue, and greenhouse gas emissions are the most significant driver of this observed climate change. The net greenhouse gas emissions have increased by around 43% in the last three decades and the major contributor to this is the metropolitan cities. Therefore, the first step to reduce the GHG emissions is to identify the sources of these emissions in cities. This research aims to investigate and assess the type and level of detail of the data collected by different cities of India which can be the potential indicators of the energy consumption of the cities and prepare a generic framework that can be used to calculate the GHG emissions. This research will, therefore, help identify the feasibility potential of determining the GHG emissions with respect to data available and the data which needs to be further collected. The findings of this research can be extended and implemented in the city missions and schemes as the set of parameters that needs to be gathered to estimate the GHG emissions of the city.