
Faculty: Yash Shukla

Graduated Approach in benchmarking of buildings using simulated and measured data.

According to Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), electricity consumption in the commercial sector is rising at double the rate (11%–12% annually) of the average electricity growth rate of 5%–6% in the economy. Hence to manage and conserve energy, it is imperative to aggressively manage building energy consumption. It is crucial to measure and understand patterns of existing building energy consumption to manage it efficiently. Without an accurate baseline model, identifying energy performance shortcomings and an accurate estimate of improvement can be hard to establish. In order to facilitate an accurate baseline representation of existing building energy performance, simulations using energy model and measured data of existing commercial building stock is used. The comparison between the simulated outputs and measured data helps understand the source of discrepancy, if it exists. Having a graduated approach in inputting parameters for energy model could help identify the improvement in accuracy of simulations with respect to the input parameters.