
Faculty: Jyoti Trivedi

Using IoT and AR/VR for Construction Site Safety Training.

The design of construction site layouts and safety plans is an essential part of an effective integrated process, but it is traditionally carried out by means of error-prone and inefficient manual observation moreover, building designers and safety coordinators still lack a collaborative working approach.  With lack of adequate structures and facilities for managing safety, In many cases, site and project managers tend to focus on considerations such as optimizing productivity without adequately taking into account the health and safety implications. This is despite the fact that there is major scope for preventing, or minimizing, the effects of many construction site accidents through appropriate site layout design and organization of safety measures. The digitization of the construction site allows virtual training and on-boarding. Moreover, interoperable BIM tools allow improving accuracy and reliability of the validation process. Construction Crew experiencing & evaluating safety hazards of the site virtually helps them to be more cautious on site & increases the overall safety measures on site. The benefits of improving construction site safety through better site layout and organization developing virtual training-VR/AR model.