
Faculty: Anjana Vyas


The role of cadastral system is to act as the ‘location’ of the property rights system by
providing accurate information of the property units. In India, the land administration is a
state subject and the database is maintained by the government authority which acts as a
‘trusted third party’, exactly the role of blockchain technology. Blockchain enables creation
of temperproof, automatically updated, decentralized permissions that captures specified
information on transactions in multi-stakeholder environment. Blockchain implementation
can be setup on four layers: Infrastructure, Network & Protpcol, Services and Applications.
It’s ecosystem comprises of tools, technologies, languages and packages.
Blockchain technology adds value in the form of societal phenomenon, technology pile and
database structure. There are two research questions this DRP would address: 1) what kind
of issues prevails in land administration; 2) how blockchain addresses those issues with
specific reference to geospatial perspective? In this context, a framework should be set for
the accessibility of "spatial and non-spatial data" to others, access control, change of
ownership, land use, disputes if any, and other important aspects