Mihir Kalra


Wheels On Tar

The space designed is a mad bicycle workshop as a space for recreation. The act of recreation is experienced by designing a space for a mad bicycle workshop as a “making space” following the analogy of an assembly line. This space proposes this analogy in terms of the function and the spatial organization of each space in this site, i.e., all the spaces planned and designed are metaphorically following the order of an assembly line. Like any item that needs an ordered process to be followed and produced, this space is designed to recreate and customize bicycles which symbolizes the design process of an assembly line. This includes various spaces in this workshop primarily such as an exhibition space, material library, workspace, and multipurpose spaces.

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Decoding the typology of Transstadia Arena, Ahmedabad

Exploring the tectonic relationship between wood and fabric and the concept of concealment and revelation

Sequential diagrams explaining the design decisions taken throughout the process

Ground floor plan of the mad bicycle workshop

First floor plan of the mad bicycle workshop

Renders showing the attitude of different spaces

Sections showing circulation and the volumetric experience of the space

Renders showing the attitude of different spaces

Exploded isometric drawing showing architecture (existing and added), furniture and enclosures at different levels

Sectional perspective showing all the elements of interior space making and highlighting the enclosures of the space