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  • IR2029
  • THE BURROW: Elating and Engaging Episodes of Subterranea

Shah Darshi Rupesh


THE BURROW: Elating and Engaging Episodes of Subterranea

The Burrow: serves as a temporary adobe for a group of people who are passionate to explore and adapt to the lifestyle, culture, and traditions of the area. The house is hosted by a group of people by the owner. The space would welcome local people while also providing personal spaces within the home. The home intends to bring people together, sharing the same interests, while allowing them to connect with locals. For high resolution, click here. 

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Design intent. user group, site and strategies

Site impression, conceptual diagrams, zoning and volumetric exploration

Ground floor Plan

First floor Plan

Second floor Plan

Long sectional perspective

2D Long section

Cross Sectional Perspective

Part Space Isometric showing Informal seating and Gathering Space

Part Space Isometric Showing Community space and Travelers s