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  • Facilities Management of CEPT University, Ahmedabad

Aditi Shrivastava


Facilities Management of CEPT University, Ahmedabad

CEPT University is an educational institute located in university area of Ahmedabad, covering 11.6 acres area. The institute offers both undergraduate and post graduate programmes in various disciplines with current president Dr. Bimal Patel. The project deals with the current scenario of various services provided at CEPT university. The faculties that are covered here are- ground maintenance, water supply and drainage. Various Studies were done and issues were identified and accordingly the feasible solutions have been proposed. 

Report Content

Current scenario and Issues with Ground Maintenance

Solution for the issue identified

Water Supply Line diagram and location of various bore-wells , UGTs, OHTs.

Maintenance of Water supply units.

Issues Identified in Water Supply

Solution and it's analysis

Solution and it's analysis

Drainage information of the CEPT campus

Issues Identified and their solution

Solution for the drainage issue