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  • Moto Suthar Wado - Solid Waste Management and Amenities

Panchal Himadri Rajnibhai


Moto Suthar Wado - Solid Waste Management and Amenities

Moto Suthar Wado is a pol located in Khadia zone and in walled city of Ahmedabad. The topics covered in this part are Built-Use, Demographics, Solid Waste Management and Amenities. The study was intended and divided into three parts looking after existing scenario , analyzing it and providing with solution including Facilities Management Plan to improve the existing condition of pol.

Report Content

Built-Use and Demographics of over all site

Existing Scenario of Solid Waste Management in Pol

Existing Process of Solid Waste Management in Pol

Verifying issue and providing with the solution

Providing with the solutions

Providing with the solutions

Over all amenities of pol during morning and noon time

Over all amenities of pol during evening time

Involving perception of residents and referring other two case studies for proposals

Proposal were made just to gather pol residents. Also to gain the lost interest of pol residents and hence it aims to gather community and to support other proposals as well.