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  • UR2005
  • Nivaas: Migrant Housing in Dharavi Koliwada

Radhika Maitra


Nivaas: Migrant Housing in Dharavi Koliwada

Understanding the culture and space-making of the Kolis shows us that the Kolis require spaces to express their traditions, cultures and themselves such as space for shrines, crosses, otlas, and ways for self expression. This project is an attempt to maintain that along with the connection to the creek, their traditional source of income, which was lost due to various reclamations. Community interaction is also important to the Kolis as well as other communities present in Koliwada, and this was maintained in the design proposal by the formation of micro-neighbourhoods and multifunctional open spaces near institutions

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Report Content

Case Study: Looking at mass housing and its basic principles, such as linking, stacking and generation

Site Introduction and Family Cycle: Delving into Dharavi Koliwada and interacting with the community

Site Documentation: Analysing the thoroughfare of the main street - Plan

Site Documentation: Analysing the thoroughfare of the main street - Sections & Elevations

Site Documentation: Analysing the thoroughfare of the main street - Analysis

Observations and Inferences: Deriving our individual site analysis and using these to formulate the design

Design Development: 5 stages of conceptual masterplan and process models

Site Plan along with the Linking and Stacking of units

Enlarged Plan and Sections

Final Models and Reading Responses