Tanvi Rahman


Amplifying the Locational Value

The studio exercise involved preparing a town planning scheme for Koba area in Gandhinagar. Various land readjustment models were studied along with the legislative framework. The potential of the site was analyzed through various factors. This led to the development of a master plan for comprehensive planning. Further land was readjusted through TPS model under the provision mentioned in the GTPUDA, 1976. Koba, sandwiched between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar has the potential to emerge as a new CBD. Site-specific projects were purposed to enhance the potential of the area.

Report Content

Understanding Micro-level planning approach. Land pooling model practiced in Hyderabad to provide serviced land in the urban fringes was studied

Delineating a boundary for a study area based on natural features, road connections. This study area was analyzed to understand the gaps and realize the potential

Concept Development and Road Network

Proposed Zoning and corresponding DCRs

Proposed projects that are site-specific

Population Projection for the delineated area and identified pilot TP Scheme. Preparation of bae map

Land appropriation and reconstitution principles

Final reconstituted T.P map for Koba Circle

Infrastructure costing and TP Valuation

Key learnings from the studio