
Faculty: Srirupa Banerjee

Developing a teaching case study of conflict handling methods used by consulting organizations while implementing citizen centric missions

For continuous improvement of living in urban spaces, the government strives to bring in new policies, for betterment of conditions. Such new policies/ missions can be implemented only by behavioral changes of the citizens. Though the responsibility cannot lie on the government only, the staff employed with the government have a huge to role to play in making the change happen.Often, while implementation, they are faced with huge resistance from the citizens, for whom they are working. It becomes difficult for them to go ahead with implementation. The staff find themselves prepared with the processes (through training) but unprepared to deal with conflict/ resistance from citizens.This study is to see the preparedness of the government officials, the engagement with different missions and their styles of dealing with citizens on ground. Any change is known to come up with resistance, this study would be to explore the current styles that are used to overcome the resistance. Further, after the completion of the study, a suggestion can be prepared and presented for handling the resistance and conflict differently, if required.

Student DRP