
Faculty: Madhu Bharti

Addressing the Critical issues for rental housing in India.

As the mobility in young population for education and work increase, the young adults are dependent on rental accommodations, which in Indian urban space operates through various mechanisms, commonly known as ‘Paying-guests’, ‘co-living ‘and others. This market is informally and operates in imperfect market conditions. The rental housing market is active at all levels, in slum & poor income areas, among the middle- and higher-income groups and among the student population (both male& female). However, the scale of operation, modalities of market about how the prospective tenant makes choices, tenure security, housing condition & maintenance of units varies across the segment.
Need for safe, decent, and affordable rental housing for mobile population is the need of the hour. This research will look at the ‘rental housing’ segment to identify the critical factors that need improvement in the short term as well as long term. The research will provide inputs to the policy makers for rental housing in India.