
Faculty: Saswat Bandyopadhyay

Disaster Resilient Infrastructure In Indian Smart Cities

Asia-Pacific cities are facing more frequent disasters and destructive weather due in part to Human-induced effects on climate change. Natural disasters are four times more likely to affect Asia-Pacific countries than any African countries, and 25 times more likely than in Europe. The changes resulting from global climate change and surging population growth in low lying concentrated urban areas are a formidable challenge. By 2060, it is projected that 875 million people, 17.5 per cent of the population, will live in low lying flood prone or coastal inundation areas. Most of these will live in urban areas. Smart Cities are trying to address three core issues: Livability, Economic ability and Sustainability. Creating more from less, promoting affordable excellence, being future ready and building cities with people at the center are principles that form the core mantra of the Mission. Aligning to these core issues, 100 Smart cities are developing a total of 5,151 projects worth Rs. 2,05,018 crore. 90o/o of these projects have tendered, 75% of these projects are under implementation. More than 3000 projects worth 25% of the total projects value have been fully completed and operational. As more and more of these Urban infrastructure projects gel completed, it is important to understand the disaster readiness of these projects and to what extent the element of resilience is embedded in these smart cities projects and proposals.