
Faculty: Mona Iyer

Eco-friendly schools- Encouraging practices of 5R and Climate Resilience

Sustainability is about the present generation's responsibility to improve the future generation's life by restoring the previous ecosystem and resisting contributing to future ecosystem damage. Children are the change agents in the community and schools play a major role in shaping the behaviour and practices of children. A society is a reflection of its education system and practices being followed at its school. It is very important that school buildings are developed in a sustainable way and are resilient for future. It is also vital to have systems and encourage students to practice refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle leading towards a circular lifestyle. Water and waste are two major components within school domain which needs to be handled in a sustainable way. Sustainable and resilient WASH practices if adopted in schools through active participation of students, teachers and community; shall be translated in communities at large. Eco-friendly schools shall invite, attract and retain children in the school thereby improving enrolment and retention.

Student DRP