
Faculty: Rajiv Kadam

Everyday urban life patterns: Behavioral and Percentual readings in Indian Urban space

Cities and their urban spaces are great reflections of the human civilizations and its evolution. But are cities today a great place to live and enjoy everyday life ?, this is the critical question to reflect on to resolve the increasing loss of quality and human value in our urban spaces in cities. Robert Park (1925) defined city as the product of human nature and the vital processes of people. The everyday urban life structure becomes very critical area of study today to arrest the complex phenomenon of how people use and experience the urban space in a city and inform the urban design approaches. The research is based on the important theories of Amos Rapoport (1977) “Human Aspects of Urban Form” and Michel de Certeau (1988) “The Practice of Everyday Life”. The Indian urban context offers a vast area of inquiry into the urban question as there is an extensive use of urban spaces in cities. The behavioral and perceptual patterns of urban space will be documented and analyzed to develop and guide urban design sensitive to human life.