
Faculty: Shalini Sinha

Role and Impact of PBS in Indian cities

With focus shifting to promoting Non-Motorized Transport (NMT), public bike sharing (PBS) projects are being initiated across several cities in India. The trend observed for these PBS systems in many cities have not been very favorable and have not been able to create much impact in facilitating a mode shift to bicycles. Several reasons have been cited for this like lack of connected networks, lack of maintenance, ignorance, etc. This trend seems to have changed slightly post COVID in many cities, and a greater number of people for various purposes have started using PBS services. This research aims to study this change in trend and apply the learning to ensure a sustained positive growth in uptake of PBS across various cities in the country. The research would be carried out using data from MyByk PBS system in Ahmedabad for pre-Covid and post-Covid timeframes. A thorough study of its user groups, their travel/trip characteristics, usage patterns, perspectives, etc. would be carried out. User surveys would also be carried out to analyze preferences towards this mode and change in behavior post-Covid.