Visualise and Draw


Being able to draw well aids the thinking process of a designer and helps to represent a design idea. This module focuses on enhancing the students’ basic drawing skills, starting from drawing lines, shapes, and forms in a rigorous way over a period of 9-10 weeks. The students are able to perform additions and subtractions from the basic geometrical forms and make compositions using them. Once the students are introduced to the basic principles of technical drawing, they are able to move on to represent the working of an object with multiple components. Being able to draw them in isometric, axonometric, one-point, and two-point perspective helps them to understand the idea and also represent them well. The module also ensures that the students understand the surface development of forms through drawing and model making, and use neat and legible lettering to label all their work. The students also begin to engage with topography. Alongside, the module also emphasizes an ability to visualize and sketch using different mediums, both objects in the immediate environment and objects and spaces of their own imagining. While the work for most of the components is hand drawn, digital representation also forms part of the range of skills addressed.