Priya Uttam Anandani


Tracing Water

Water’s presence is felt, where every thread is woven with the essence of life, one element that stands as the shimmering thread that binds all creation together is water.  Appearing and disappearing with terrain, concave and convex marks of movement, dripping through cracks, lying silent in the crevices, babbling through the rocks, and sliding as dew drops. Its differential presence along paths sounds along the swales and banks, meeting and disintegrating at slopes.  From movement to stillness, it is this remarkable diversity of water, and its capacity to manifest itself in myriad forms that breathes life into the sanctuary.  

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Drawing wild scapes of Ahmedabad - Charcoal as a medium has the advantage of sketching areas over lines through which we can create quick and integrated readings of a landscape. Keeping our minds open and senses receptive we learn to observe, sensitise, prioritise our perceptions of a place. The yin of invasive species challenges the yang of native biodiversity creating an interesting interplay of opposites existing together in proximity.

Recording Phulwari ki Nal - The documentation of a landscape is a versatile attempt, as diverse methodologies reveal various aspects for study. Every perspective, captured and understood, unveils a distinct facet, narrating a unique tale about its interconnected nature.

Correlating Systems - Gained insight into the functioning of natural systems, acknowledging the absence of boundaries and the interconnectivity among different systems.

TRACING WATER - Seen and Unseen Lifeline of Phulwari ki Nal.

From movement to stillness, it is this remarkable diversity of water, and its capacity to manifest itself in myriad forms that breathes life into this sanctuary.

Culmination of lens and building blocks through discoveries made in the process.

Realising the Presence in Absence - Overtime differential movement of water leaves behind traces that act as indicators of water's differential presence even in the absence of it.

Presence of water

Absence of water

Celebration of water