
Faculty: Madhav Raman-vf | Tanushree Solanki-VF

TA: Mitali Jain

Finding 4G: Contemporary Indian Interior Types

The studio was based on the impetus interior architecture received from the 3 liberalisations witnessed over 3 decades in urban India i.e. economic liberalisation (1990s), lifestyle liberalisation (2000s) and data liberalisation (2010s). The impetus created greater demand for various design practitioners and a proliferation of new urban interior typologies. These were identified as 1G-2G-3G of urban interior architecture typologies. The studio attempted to evolve speculatively 4G typologies for the new Indian urban context.
Students were presented with a conceptual framework for understanding evolving types and typologies in contemporary Indian urban interior architecture. They analysed interfacial, technological and temporal aspects of types against evolving socio-cultural undefined economic behaviour and phenomena in urban India across the 3 decades. Students were tasked with identifying and programming a speculative new urban interior type, forming a robust brief and designing a project for that typology in a well researched context.

Studio Unit

Studio Process