
Faculty: Kartikeya Shodhan | Jahnavi Bhatt

From Drawing Board to Construction Sites

This studio primarily aims at bridging the gap between academics and construction practices, and preparing students to confidently take on challenges in an informed manner when it comes to translating their ideas into reality.
A parallel study activity will go on through the major part of the semester, in which students- in teams of two each- will be spending one entire day per week on a given, on-going construction site. Focus will be on students’ active participation in on-site activities, direct communication with local artisans and learning from their expertise & experience, and applying this knowledge to their own designs.
One of the initial studio exercises will focus on – learning through detailed observation of building services in familiar existing surroundings. Choice of material will be based on study & market research, which will impact construction cost of project.
Drawings are powerful tools for effective communication with constructors and users, and this aspect will be highlighted through the various exercises. Design exercise this semester is a live, humane social project in rural contexts. The scale will be limited in order to get into greater depth of detailing & specifications, incorporating all services.