
Faculty: Shikha Parmar | Manthan Mevada

TA: Vipul Gupta

Spatial Fabulations. Constructing and Communicating imagination

To fabulate’ is to effectively narrate invented, non-conventional or speculated stories of Architecture. Here, you can tell stories of life in future, capturing the individual imagination bringing alive diverse sets of collective outcomes.
This unit revolves around radically imagining and relevantly communicating a living habitat, seeping in the empty historic backdrop as a way to adopt and breathe new life into an old. As a pedagogic method, the studio has identified a civic building as a constant locus; offering one to choose and envisage a forthcoming speculative scenario woven around extreme natural catastrophe. This encouraged one to device and rethink dwelling typology to sustain humans in the constructed condition. Strategically participant’s work through a sequential process in groups and individually, to establish multi-scalar relationships. Such a process involves bold interventions integrating across-the scale of site, neighborhood and an intimate dwelling unit.
The unit explored various manual and digital skills aiding visual narration for effective conception and reception of spatial ideas through various illustrations. This journey enabled one to rethink traditional tools and processes to design and later undertake their own experiments to render vividly a new collective living habitat w.r.t the speculated scenario.

Studio Unit

Glimpses of INTERVENTIONS: Individual positions towards conception of the living habitat of future


SCENARIO MAKING: Reimagining Bhadra and Stepwell undergoing Elysium

SCENARIO MAKING: Reimagining Bhadra and stepwell undergoing Blight scape

ADAPTATION: Exploring relationships with the existing state of structure