
Faculty: Narendra Mangwani | Dhaval Gajjar

TA: Jigar Rathod | Aswin Senthil | Healik Doshi

Urban Housing

The studio explores housing design solutions for high-density living in urban environments. Throughout the studio, the focus was on the thoughtful creation of housing designs that cater to the evolving needs of city dwellers while adhering to the demands of increased urbanization.
The exercises delved into designing individual housing units while considering the holistic organization of the site. Students also investigated the incorporation of evolving building technologies and materials, delved into architectural detailing, and prioritize design efficiency for optimal land utilization. Emphasizing a comprehensive approach, students explored unit design, shared spaces, and their integration within the fabric of societal, economic, and cultural shifts.
Climate-responsive design solutions and sustainable landscape and urban design strategies were central to the exploration, enabling students to develop projects harmonizing with their surroundings. Furthermore, students analyzed existing building regulations pertinent to the projects, seeking opportunities to enhance specific design parameters and contribute to improving urban living standards..

Studio Unit

Module 1a | Design Studies | Site and Context Appreciation

Module 1b | Design Studies | Case Studies

Module 2 | Design Narratives and Intent

Module 3 | Design Exploration

Module 3 | Design Development