
Faculty: Errol Reubens

Generating Rules to produce Dynamic Interior Spaces through an analysis of art (comparing De Stijl and Suprematism).

Since the dawn of the twenty-first century, a fascination in dynamic interior spaces has overtaken that in inert spaces. Interior environments in the twentieth century were primarily tranquil, owing to “Bauhaus” and “De Stijl” influences, that laid a foundation for “Modernist” Space. In contrast, the “Russian Avantgarde”, developed from a “Cubo-Futurist” approach, influenced dynamic interior spaces, that flirted with notions of floatation, hovering, gravity defying, lightness, flowing, borrowed and layered spaces, etc. at its finest. Conception of such dynamic spaces began about the late-1980s.
This study aims to extract interior design principles applicable to such dynamic interior spaces, firstly by a compositional comparative analysis of paintings from De Stijl and the Russian Avantgarde.
It would next intend on showing transformation and translation to interior spaces, by comparing and analysing suitable interior spaces. It would next show how these principles could be used in generation of dynamic space. The exploration would investigate the parallels between art principles such as balance, symmetry, proportion, colour, form etc. and their generative capability to develop dynamic spaces. This project has components of secondary research and analysis. Research will be
done using a combination of primary data and secondary resources.