Diya Shah



Shrishti is a part of Frugal City Making Elements, focusing on the blue and green infrastructure as well as the landscaping of the site. The entire project has been divided into different scales, extra large, large, medium, small and extra small and then been worked upon. The blue infrastructure includes rainwater harvesting, storm water management and greywater treatment while the green infrastructure includes elements from the urban canopy to the XS modules. The vision was to increase community participation and interaction and also increase self sustainability, provide job opportunities, promote afforestation and increase biodiversity. 

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This site plan shows the grading of the site for storm water management and the urban canopy created. The tree palette on the side can be used as a legend for the site.

A reedbed system has been developed for the site to treat the greywater and reuse it for irrigation purposes.

The forest garden is the largest green space on the site and includes mini forests, an orchard and rain gardens among several other things.

The urban park has several important elements such as the Hugelkultur on the boundaries, a large rain garden and raised decks.

The botanical garden is similar to the urban park with bushes on three sides and a main entrance leading visitors to different sections of the garden and then the nursery area and a deck.

School and college students as well as NGOs will be asked to participate in the construction process to increase community interaction.

The 5*5M grid has been kept for all mega clusters as well as all the green spaces.

Rooftop rainwater harvesting will help individuals in times of water scarcity.

The landscaping for EPA's and plazas has been done similar to how the mega clusters have been designed.

XS modules have been kept for each house. This will encourage growing produce for self consumption and also for sale, to earn additional income.