Patel Sakshi Jagat


Enriching Social Connections

The design approach for this project aims to enhance social interaction spaces for people of all ages, emphasizing community and well-being. With a strong focus on co-production and sustainability, the strategy seeks to revitalize underutilized areas within the neighborhood, promoting meaningful engagement among residents. The goal was to transform these spaces into inviting, accessible, and secure communal environments that encourage social cohesion and active participation, thereby enriching the overall quality of life for everyone in the community. Through this design proposal the main factor is to revitalize three key social interaction spaces within the community, namely the commercial area near the relief road, the unused space adjacent to the temple, and the chowk area, by addressing specific challenges that hindered social interaction.

Report Content

A study was conducted to explore the concept of "neighborhood" and its various components, as defined by renowned architects and urban designers

Individual Neighborhood Analysis

Site Analysis

Key plan showing the existing site condition

Activities that are prevalent in social areas at various times of the day

Master Plan

Zoomed in plans

Section and view of the intervention area

Section and view of the intervention area

Images of the model