
Faculty: Shivanand Swamy | Hemangi Dalwadi

TA: Saayinath Narasimhan

Transportation Project Studio

The studio aims to provide the students with a comprehensive understanding of the framework to undertake the feasibility of a transport project in a city. A review of relevant acts, policies, toolkits, and guidelines builds them to understand the process of mode selection An analysis of various rapid transit technologies and their specifications was undertaken to comprehend their suitability which was further explored through Indian and International case cities.
For the case city, a detailed base analysis consists of demography, economic, spatial growth patterns, and the city’s transport system to identify current mobility issues and future challenges. Students underwent future growth projections, travel demand forecasts, and developed alternate scenarios with various mode options/potential rapid transit alignments for the case city.
Alternative analysis was carried out for different scenarios using the financial and economic analysis framework. In addition, social and environmental impact assessments would also be covered. The focus of the studio was on some of the planning/design/engineering aspects such as corridor alignment and design; station planning; proposal for typical road sections; etc. Finally, the students develop a system operation plan, preliminary infrastructure plan for facilities and project

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Studio Unit

Studio Introduction

Introduction to MRT System

Existing & Forecast - Ahmedabad city

Detailed Corridor Assessment

Proposals Evaluation