Anjali Sharad Katke


Unlocking Usmanpura's Growth Potential

Usmanpura, a vibrant Ahmedabad locale, embodies a diverse urban landscape shaped by historical events and changing needs. This report captures its evolution into a mix of residential-commercial zones, offering insights into its transformation. It examines Usmanpura's journey from a culturally rich, open community to gated spaces due to socio-economic shifts. The analysis also explores its well-connected street network and evolving land use patterns. FSI increases, Metro, and Riverfront development have influenced its appeal. Despite varied building typologies, full FSI utilization remains a challenge. This comprehensive study unveils Usmanpura's complex urban narrative and future prospects.

Report Content

Locating the prescient

Life in the prescient

Land use and development

Built typology & Street network

Housing, Job and Transport

Housing, Job and Transport

Housing, Job and Transport

Municipal Services

Public realm
