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  • UP4001-2
  • Envisioning Ghaziabad: A Transit-Oriented Transitopolis

Kalyani Dhama


Envisioning Ghaziabad: A Transit-Oriented Transitopolis

The project aims to develop a comprehensive transit-oriented development (TOD) Zonal plan for Ghaziabad (Duhai- Guldhar RRTS corridor) integrating Land reconstitution model with a vision of transforming Ghaziabad into a dynamic and inclusive "Transitopolis", a city that emphasizes on a robust public transportation infrastructure while prioritizing social inclusion and equity in the development. The Land Reconstitution model, known for its self-sufficiency, optimizes available space, balancing residential, commercial, and green areas for enhanced urban sustainability. This model, considering current challenges and development paradigms, offers a solution to financial constraints and promotes an economically viable path for Ghaziabad's development.

Report Content

Case study of Nagpur, T.P Scheme

Introduction to the project

Boundary Delineation and Existing Situation Analysis

Vision and Concept

Proposed Road and Green Blue Network

Proposed Zoning

Need and Principles of Land Reconstitution Model for ZDP

Appropriation and Reservation of land

Costing and Evaluation

Key Highlights