
Faculty: Dhwanilnath Gharekhan

TA: Kirtan Shah

Geospatial Modelling and Application

The Geospatial modeling and application studio is designed to develop and apply 3D mapping and modeling skills among students for solving realworld problems. GISbased 3D models are widely used in a vast array of applications i.e disaster management, utility mapping, transportation, navigation, energy management, security, surveillance, etc. In the studio, students will explore different methods, techniques, and technologies to build a 3D model and work with different 3D data structures, tools, and algorithms to handle the third dimension aspect of the real world. All the data collection, creation, and application pertaining to 3D will be carried out in an urban environment to address realworld problems. Also, students will be working with defined tools to interact with the 3D objects and customize the model as per the given application. The application and importance of the 3D model will be further explored in thematic areas in the GIS environment.

Studio Unit

Introduction to the studio and students

The approach and outline of the studio journey

Steps undertaken to prepare the 3D model base

3D model development of CEPT University

Applications and Themes for current scenario enhancement