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  • Journey of Disintegration | The Wall Museum

Madireddy Kaushil


Journey of Disintegration | The Wall Museum

The Wall Museum is an architectural project which was created on the notion of disintegration represented based on disruptive events caused during the Berlin crisis which fractured the societies of East and West Berlin. This process of disintegration represents the gradual fall of the wall leaving behind dispersed fragments of stories/struggles remembered today. The Wall Museum tries to create a memorable journey by looking at this gradual process and the fragmental exhibits showcasing the struggle involved during the Berlin Wall crisis.  Therefore, this museum's honorific designation would be "Journey of Disintegration". Click Here to know about My Journey

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Understanding History - The Berlin Wall

The Wall Exercise

Final Disintegration (Rendered)

Translating Expressions and Programmatic Design Development

Final Plans and Longitudinal Sections

Transverse Sections

Exploded Axonometric View

Idea of Services and Museum Circuit along with Concept Development Stages

Rendered Interior and Exterior Views

Final Design Development and Physical Models (1:200)