Risav Gupta


Veining Ethos

The Project caters to a multitude of User groups. Each bring out a respective spirit and culture of their own to their practices and livability. Ideating the project as an Urban common the temporality of user activities and experiences have been characterized strategically. The Flexibility of the project in coexisting within an extensive cultural bandwidth makes it a catalyst. Spatially the ground function is based on the cross pathing user group walkability and engagement potentiality on the public edge,  buffer and the core ground. Therefore, that feeds the naming Veining penetrating into the Ethos of the envisioned cultural modularity. 

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An initiative to study the larger context on a city level, neighborhood attributes and urban pressures followed by Site context.

Context study led by an understanding of the need at the moment for the project and creating a vision for that. Conceptual strategies and illustrations portrayed on the basis of that. Program analysis follows further to support distribution of functions at horizontal as well as vertical scale.

Detailed sketch of character attained from Vision interpreted in a preliminary scale Masterplan and supporting diagrams.

On the basis of preliminary ideation the project is valuated on civic, ecological and communal parameters.

As a part of individual study the vision is reinterpreted to a streamlined direction with two parameters as focus.

Revision of masterplan on the basis of the vision refinement and understanding the character and materiality of spaces

Portraying character of the site with the revised function allocation and landscape remodeling. Understanding the play of porous land and system of water.

Addressing site constraints and site desirability to strategize a planting character solution.

Understanding the system of water kinetics and addressing it by providing adequate holding capacity of the water and percolation techniques. Also understanding how the water system characterizes in various seasons.

A concluding comparison of Site characteristics and socio cultural modularity envisioned to the current condition of the site and rating the parameters accordingly.