Khushi Ashwin Daxini



The project intends to provide traction, between the Old which exists and the New which is inserted. The typologies, Administration and a Fcaulty Lounge are a defining combination, two parts of a system (Student Centre), that keep striving for the Institution. This Dichotomy is understood through architectural explorations of forms, scales and tectonic expressions. The intervention tries to understand the importance of Friction in a system, and explores the same through architectural design and ideas. The Admin block subtly places itself as a statement of a new insert, of arrival and of contrast. A formal, stereotype Administration block extends into the existing and releases the Friction into an informal lounge captivating the existing landscape.

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_ground floor plan

_first floor plan

_building section

_exploded axonometric diagram

_wall sections

_model 1:20

_model 1:20

_model 1:20