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  • 1581
  • 1.Street Design 2.Neighbourhood Design

Patil Anushree Ankush Saroj


1.Street Design 2.Neighbourhood Design

1. Street Design- Gurukul road, being one of the active streets of Ahmedabad, needs to be re-imagined to avoid the conflicting vehicular and street-vending chaos that it suffers currently. The project proposes an inclusive street design for the micro-economies of the city enhancing on-street social activities and interactions.
2. Neighbourhood Design- A part of Ahmedabad's green belt is proposed to develop as an aspiring neighborhood by achieving porosity and livability  through various public spaces along the central spine. They will enhance the humane aspect of neighbourhood by introducing hierarchy of congregation spaces: Intra-neighbourhood and Inter-neighbourhood, making the adjacent neighbourhoods homogeneous. 

Report Content

Street Design - Gurukul Road

Neighbourhood Design - Site Analysis and Inference

Neighbourhood Design - Concept and Strategies

Neighbourhood Design - Illustrative Master Plan

Neighbourhood Design - Area of Intervention

Neighbourhood Design - Area of Intervention