Ishaan Vinay Mahajan


Exploring the Potential of Abandoned Mines

Humans are a spec in the geological history of our planet. Since the human time scale is minuscule, the ability to create a massive impact within that time scale is not practical. Yet, as humans, we can initiate a process that might continue beyond our time. Iron ore mining causes significant damage to the landforms, disturbing their natural ecosystems. Typically, after the commercial mining process, the mines are abandoned. The abandoned mines still contain high amounts of iron, ferrous compounds and other metals in the soil. This does not allow much vegetation to grow naturally. To revive the viability of the soil and effectively use the iron content present in the soil, we, as humans, can interfere. Since this process is beyond the scope of the human timescale, humans need to act as an “initiator” of the process. So, It is essential to bring in non-human actors and agencies that can carry the process forward. Observing this process and creating infrastructure that can support it is the role of an architect.

Report Content

Transplantation Process

Long Section of the Barge

Plan of the Barge

Axonometric Drawing of the Barge

Site Plan

Section : 5-10 years

Section : 25-30 years

Section : 100 years and beyond

Biodiversity Drawing

Barge Model @ 1:50 Site Model @ 1:500 Building Model @ 1:25