
Faculty: Ruchi Mehta

Restoration and Adaptive Reuse Strategy for Havelis in walled city of Ahmedabad

Havelis (large residential structures) in the Pols, the narrow lanes in the walled city of Ahmedabad are a critical part of its cultural and architectural heritage. Pols came in existence in the 15thcentury and a significant amount of the Haveli structures seen today were built around 200 to 300 years back. Restoration and adaptive reuse of these Haveli structures is important for the conservation of this invaluable heritage.
This study is thus proposed as a detailed study of selected Havelis in Sankdi Sheri in the Khadia area of the walled city such that it enables informed decisions regarding the restoration and adaptive reuse strategy. Very few structures have been restored so far, as multiple challenges are faced by the various stakeholders.
This study will focus on a detailed analysis of the materials and finishes used in the Haveli and the parameters that would have influenced those decisions at the time of consturction like the local climate, availability of materials, techniques and craftsmanship for taking informed decisions regarding the restoration of interior finishes as well as insertion of utilities to enable the adaptive reuse of the structure. This will be supported by various case studies to understand the challenges and various approaches adopted by other structures with similar conditions in the adjacent Pols as strategic decisions regarding the adaptive reuse play a crucial role in making sustainable decisions regarding repairs and restoration of these Havelis.

Directed Research Project

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