Agarwal Harshi Manish


A Milieu : Reminiscent of the ghats

The intent is to create a space which is like a reminiscence of the city. This space helps one connect with the locals and experience the culture like a local. A group of backpackers with different personalities meet and connect with each other while also looking forward to their own unique experiences. For high resolution images, click here. 

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Introduction- Intent, User group, Element documentation and Analysis.

Abstract models, site impression, site strategies and exploratory models.

A 2d section with design process and concept development.

Spatial Planning at +6000mm

Sectional view expressing the private quarters and the progression of the public movement towards water.

Spatial planning at +3500 mm

A crossectional perspective with site context and views of some core spaces.

Basement plan

3d Exploded illustration representing the parasitic relationship of the spaces with the existing arcade
