
Faculty: Aparna Joshi | Brijesh Bhatha | Vanishree Herlekar | Purvi Chhadva

TA: Jugal Bhatt | Parth Patel | Forum Shah

Master plan studio

"This studio focuses on the master planning and design of single-ownership, large Greenfield developments/cleared brownfield development with a key emphasis on the design of livable neighborhoods. To respond to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centers, governments facilitate such new developments through various development mechanisms. This studio operated within the existing development framework of the Integrated Township Policy which is typically a developer-driven activity and involves design on a large contiguous tract of land under single ownership. The site considered for this township is a greenfield site in the western outskirts of Ahmedabad, along the upcoming Dedicated Freight corridor, and in the influence of the proposed Knowledge and Institution Zone. The focus was to create flexible framework plans that enable sustainable, inclusive neighbourhoods that are also responsive to the ecological assets.."

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Studio Unit

Studio Introduction

Site Contextualisation

Master plan framework

Detail design

Urban Character and Guidelines