Anisha Madan


Urban Design Works | Transition Spaces

The placemaking studio is a series of weekly exercises carried out in two modules during spring’19 semester-2 of urban design master’s program at CEPT University, Ahmedabad.
The following work is structured as an introduction to urban design representation and how it is used as a means of design thinking. The premise is that urban design is best understood and expressed through the study and representation of the built urban environment. 
Module1: The isometric illustrations will provide a multidisciplinary approach towards the three main elements of urban design, which are- - Building types - Urban blocks - Streets and Open spaces. The module will significantly focus on effectively capturing and communicating the spatial qualities of the urban built environment. 
Module2: The final segment will focus on the urban design master plan of sector-16, Gandhinagar. The is re-imagined into an integrated liveable and sustainable design of urban blocks, streets and open spaces

Report Content

Building Types Illustrations 1

Building Types Illustrations 2

Ahmedabad Urban Block

London Urban Block

Analyzing Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Conceptualizing urban design strategy and scheme

Re-imagining sector-16, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Master Plan

Sector-16 Typical Neighborhood Block detail

24 m wide living street of Sector-16

Urban Open Space detail of Sector-16