Johns Willson


Ahmedabad - Development Plan 2041

The Development Plan Studio conducted in Spring 2023 focused on preparing a robust and adaptable Development Plan for Ahmedabad, one of the four cities chosen for the exercise. The plan aimed to guide growth in the Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA) region for the horizon year 2041, while balancing economic, social, environmental, and cultural values. The portfolio includes the learning and exertion towards preparing and proposing a Development Plan for Ahmedabad, including analyzing the existing situation, conceptual proposals, zoning, and detailed development plan with cost estimates. The plan envisions a sustainable, healthy, and livable city with a compact form, resilience, adaptability, and progressiveness, with a focus on developing regional connectivity and shifting to a tertiary economy. The studio work involved analyzing urban areas, detailing the development plan in groups, and incorporating individual proposals into the plan. The studio faced challenges due to restricted site visits, vastness of the city, and time constraints. Overall, the studio work aimed to develop core competencies necessary to formulate a development plan, paving the way for the city's further growth and integration of key sectors.

Report Content


Development Plan review

Existing Situation Analysis of Ahmedabad

Development Potential of Ahmedabad

Approach and Vision

Transportation Proposal

Zoning Proposal

Zoning and DCR

Blue and Green Proposals

Costing and Implementation